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When zombies attack
When your life
When your mother inlaw visits
When a boy
When a girl
When a person
When your life is turned upside down
When your untied bow tie has given you a relaxed demeanor When aliens attack
When the moon is full
When your children
When an unstoppable force meets immovable object
When the boogie man is under the bed
poke you with a stick
pokes you with a stick
kill your family
kills your family
doesn’t get along
point of no return
dies from death
dies with regrets
let’s a stranger in
take my revenge
nothing to eat
where taco monsters rule the planet
seek revenge
tell a dirty joke
fart quietly and hope no one notices
in a world
In a time
In a world without time
in a place far far away
in a land
in a world of fear
in an isolated land
This is just a small portion of the lines that will be recorded by about 10 different voices. Check back soon to see more, or subscribe to our mailing list for updates.
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